Free Mmorpg Games For Pc

Best and Free MMORPG Games You Can Play Online: The following games are included in the list because they have received excellent reviews from the different players all around the world. Even though you can play the following games without spending a dime at first, but eventually, you will have to buy them to finish the games. Best MMORPG Games for PC Since the beginning of PC gaming, role-playing games took over the world and quickly became one of the most popular gaming genres. Nowadays, they come in various shapes, from modern RPGs to demon-slaying Lovecraftian games.

Looking to lose some hours into a new MMORPG? You’re in luck 2021 has quite a few games to look forward in playing. In this list we’re going to highlight some of the best MMORPG titles coming out this year.

#20 Odin Valhalla Rising

Platform: PC, iOS, Android

Release Date: 2021


Odin Valhalla Rising is quite the beautiful MMORPG from the marketing footage released so far. The video game is also just as impressive being a mobile title alongside the PC game release. We don’t have a ton of information out for the game quite yet but we do know that this is a Norse mythology-based RPG that features maps broken between several iconic realms such as Midgard and Niflheim. Being based around Norse mythology players will not only have come across some familiar gods but monstrous enemies as well.

Just like with most MMORPG titles, there are a few different playable classes players will be able to choose from which are said to be Warrior, Sorceress, Priest, and Rogue. Ultimately, we’re left waiting for more details to come out about this title, but we shouldn’t have much of a wait to endure as Odin Valhalla Rising is slated to launch at some point during the second half of 2021.

#19 Final Fantasy 11 New Expansions

Platform: PC

Release Date: TBA 2021


It might come as a surprise for some of you buy Final Fantasy 11 came out back in 2002 and is still being supported today. This MMORPG puts players into the world of Vana’diel where players can not only explore, progress their character attributes but also complete a wide range of quests. There are certainly quite a few missions players can partake in as well since this game has been running for nearly two decades.

There was a brand new storyline expansion released last year called Voracious Resurgence. While at the forefront players had more story narrative quests to complete, there were additional new goodies added into the title. Even with the pandemic going on, Square Enix is still planning out more content for players to chew through as the producer behind Final Fantasy 11, Akihiko Matsui, announced during a New Year’s online greeting. According to the producer, fans of Final Fantasy 11 can expect more storyline expansion directed around Voracious Resurgence’s arc. With that said, we don’t know when exactly this expansion will release or the fine details of what it will include.

#18 Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis

Platform: Xbox Series X|S, PC, Xbox One

Release Date: 2021

Genre: RPG, Persistent Online, MMORPG

Free Mmorpg Games For Pc

Phantasy Star Online is one of the more classic MMORPG titles over the years. This game launched in 2000 and grew a huge following which in 2012 allowed Phantasy Star Online 2 to happen. Unfortunately, for a lot of fans that sequel installment was only available in Japan with western markets not receiving the title until several years later in 2020. Now that the game is out, fans can not only play the title but expect the big new update coming out this year called Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis.

Free Mmorpg Games For Pc

Since this game has been out in Japan for a good while now and has only just seen a launch in markets worldwide, it’s a bit dated. Sega felt that the best thing to do is offer an update. Rather than being a new all-around video game title, think of this launch as an update to Phantasy Star Online 2. New Genesis was set to come out after Episode 6 released in Phantasy Star Online 2. That just happened last month so we can expect Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis to come out next which will keep players going through the next narrative story while offering upgrades to the mechanics and visuals. Fortunately, your accounts will be set for the game’s release as well so don’t worry about losing any progress, characters, or gear from your time in Phantasy Star Online 2. With that said, if you haven’t played Phantasy Star Online 2 and want to experience the game and its narrative storylines then you’ll still be able to make a brand new account as both titles will coexist.

#17 Project TL

Platform: PC, iOS, Android

Release Date: TBA


Project TL has quite a lengthy history behind it. The video game first started as a sequel to Lineage with the game even hitting beta during 2016. However, the development studio opted to scrap the project and rebooted the game. Since then it’s been subjected to several delays. We’re still waiting for more details to come out for the game as the development team is keeping a pretty low profile on the video game since its announcement.

There have been talks of a closed beta hitting for this game in 2020 but that was only for South Korea which would have put this game’s release at some point in 2021 for other markets. However, with this worldwide pandemic going on right now, several projects have been delayed and this may be the reason we still haven’t heard much of anything about Project TL. Still, this title has gained a following of fans patiently waiting for the next shred of news from the folks over at NCSoft.

#16 Ember sword

Free Mmorpg Games For Pc

Platform: PC

Release Date: 2021


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If you’re limited to what your PC can handle then you might want to check in with Ember Sword. This is an MMORPG but it’s a browser-based video game so you can enjoy this title right on your web browser. From what it looks like this is more of a community-focused game with players having the ability to go through Ember Sword as a sandbox-style of game. There’s a variety of things you can do in this game from unlocking new skills, exploring what the world has to offer, and partaking in the player economy.

Ember Sword is still a ways off as it looks like we’re just going to see a closed alpha build this year, but there’s a chance we’ll see a more open beta hit before 2022 arrives. Of course, that might be wishful thinking on our part. With that said, players can expect this game to hit PC first but then afterward the developers will put their attention towards a mobile release. From there we could potentially see Ember Sword hit console platforms, but that’s the future goals charted out by the developer team right now.

#15 Corepunk

Platform: PC

Release Date: TBA 2021


Corepunk is a top-down MMORPG that plays a bit similar to Diablo but far more colorful. In this game, players are dropped into a seamless open-world filled with places to discover, and from the footage showcased it looks like you can end up in the scorching deserts to a metropolis city. Much like other MMORPG titles, players will start by picking their class and then can build their character up with new skills and gear sets. Meanwhile, as you venture out into the world you’ll come across several NPCs all with quests to take on. There’s of course some of the standard MMORPG elements to the game such as trading, dungeons clearing, and PvP battles.

From the footage showcased, the combat is done with keyboard commands with enemies having a range of attacks of their own. This could ultimately mean that players might need to think strategically when coming across an assortment of enemies. Better yet, you can group up in a guild to clear some of those tougher missions. Again, visually, this game looks quite appealing and at the moment we know the title has hit the alpha stage. Currently, the development team behind the game has plans to see Corepunk hit a closed beta by the spring of this year.

#14 Mad World

Platform: PC

Release Date: TBA 2021


Mad World from Jandi Soft has a unique look to it. Visually the game has a hand-drawn aesthetic and that’s going to be the very first thing you take notice of when it comes to Mad World. Set up as a 2D isometric MMORPG, players will find that Mad World is set up in a post-apocalyptic world. It’s all about combat in this game with the survival of the fittest in-mind. Players will have to face off all sorts of boss encounters as they venture into the open world collecting loot and gear that further buffs their characters up.

What you might enjoy most from this game is that it’s a browser MMORPG experience. Much like Ember Sword, there’s no need to install anything to enjoy this game. All players have to do is log online and from there you should have no problems playing this game on your favorite web browser. Again, much like Ember Sword, after the game launches one of the goals, developers have with this project is to see it launched on console platforms as well. For now, Mad World is still set to launch in late 2021.

#13 Project BBQ

Platform: PC

Release Date: TBA 2021


Project BBQ was something teased a couple of years ago and it was last month that we got new gameplay footage for the game. This is an upcoming anime MMORPG from Neople Action Studio. If you’re familiar with Dungeon Fighter Online MMO this game acts as a parallel universe of that title. It’s through this game that we’ll see certain characters live and the actions it had on the world. Much like other games on this list, we’re still waiting for more information to come out on this game. Still, visually the gameplay as us excited to jump in and see what this game is all about. Of course, if you want to get the full experience then you might want to go ahead and dive into Dungeon Fighter Online MMO.

#12 Ashes of Creation

Platform: PC

Release Date: TBA


Ashes of Creation is a game that has quite a few people hyped. Visually from the game marketing material released, it looks a bit like a supernatural Assassin’s Creed style game with a focus on using bows and stealth to sneak around enemies. However, there’s a ton of mythical creatures such as dragons and spellcasting as well. Overall, the game is set in a medieval fantasy world where civilization is consistently disrupting the natural order leaving behind more fierce monsters attempting to overtake the world once again. Players will be able to freely explore and shape this world up as a big aspect of this open-world MMORPG is the fact that the choices players have made through this game will either close off certain quests or open up new quest opportunities, thus altering the storyline for your player.

#11 Blue Protocol

Platform: PC

Release Date: TBA


Blue Protocol is a game being developed and published by Bandai Namco. It’s an anime-style action RPG and from the footage showcased it looks like there are plenty of big monsters to fight off but again there’s not a lot to highlight at this point. Originally, this game was only set to be available in Japan with no plans of bringing it to other markets. That has since seemingly been changed as we might find Blue Protocol getting a global expansion. If that’s the case the title could release this year worldwide, but as of right now, it’s looking like the market in Japan is the only one diving into this game.

#10 Chrono Odyssey

Platform: PC, IOS, Android

Release Date: TBA 2022

Genre: RPG, Persistent Online, MMORPG

Chrono Odyssey is a relatively new video game announcement from Npixel. The title is a typical fantasy medieval video game set where players are battling an assortment of mythical creatures using an array of melee weapons and magic. What has been unveiled so far is that the title will put players into the role of a special organization called Idraiginn that’s in the battle against the fabled 12 gods.

We know that his story will have some kind of aspect with time and space as well. Not to mention that the composer is behind the title is Cris Velasco, who is known for a few video game franchises such as God of War and Overwatch. Currently, the game is slated for a planned release in 2022 for both PC and mobile platforms. With that said, it does look like there will be betas going on this year which means you might get a chance to get into Chrono Odyssey before 2022 hits.

#9 Crimson Desert

Platform: TBA

Release Date: Q4 2021


Crimson Desert is a title to not miss out on. This comes from the same developers as Black Desert and originally the game was meant to be a prequel to the Black Desert MMORPG before it was transitioned into its own standalone experience. With that said, you can expect the title to share some gameplay similarities. In Crimson Desert you’re thrown into the fantasy world of Pyrel that’s inhabitant by not only man but non-human races as well. It’s here that you step into the role of Macduff, a leader of a band of mercenaries as you venture through a world taking on the odd job which usually lands you into difficult battles. This is also said to be a solo experience but with multiplayer aspects to the game but we’re waiting to hear more about how the two experiences will differ when it launches sometime later this year.

#8 Crowfall

Platform: PC

Release Date: TBA 2021


Crowfall mixes elements of action-RPG and real-time strategy where players will seek out glory, wealth, and ultimately power. Though, regardless if players opt to go through the world on their own, Crowfall will push for more player interactions. Originally, the title was featured within Kickstarter for a pledge goal of $800,000, the Kickstarter has since managed to bring over a million dollars in funding. However, it’s been a long waiting game to see this title released into the marketplace. Fortunately backers have been able to dive into the live beta to try the game out.

#7 Elyon

Platform: TBA

Release Date: TBA 2021


Elyon was a game that originally went by the name Ascent: Infinite Realm before the developers decided to make some revamps and adjustments to the title. Now we have Elyon which is slated to release this year. The video game mashes up steampunk and magic whereas the story puts you into a war-torn world. Two factions are seeking control of the world as they attempt to turn it into their home but a third mysterious group called the Dark Apostles may pose another new threat.

Much like other MMORPG titles, you’ll have to select your class and slowly unlock the various skills that may appeal to your playstyle. Meanwhile, the open-world is filled with unique interesting locations to visit from old fantasy ruins to new lively city locations.

#6 Lost Ark

Platform: PC

Release Date: TBA

Genre: Action, RPG, MMORPG

Lost Ark is another MMORPG title that’s been available in certain markets for years while those in the west are still waiting to get their hands on it. This Diablo-style video game title has had a strong following since it was released in Korea in 2018. Players are tossed into an open world to sail out to unique lands and hunt down treasure.

From there it’s all about taking on quests, completing mini-games, gathering resources, and eventually taking control of your very own island. As mentioned, the game was available for a few years now but we are set to receive Lost Ark here in the west at some point this year. Just when exactly the title will launch this year will remain to be seen, but it’s a lot shorter of a wait than what Phantasy Star Online 2 players had to endure.

#5 Magic Legends

Platform: PC, PS4, Xbox One

Release Date: Q2 2021


Magic The Gathering is a massively popular trading card game and soon it will have an MMORPG set within the card game universe. This title was unveiled during The Game Awards 2020 which was only a month ago. As a result, some details are a bit limited for this title, but we do know that players will be stepping into this MMORPG as a Planeswalker.


These beings have unique magical powers and they are broken down into five individual classes that further offers unique attributes such as a Necromancer that can control the dead and a Geomancer which are capable of controlling the ground. The gameplay is also set up similar to Diablo where players have an isometric view as they explore the open-world or battle against enemies. For now, we know that this game action RPG is set to come out within the year across PC and console platforms.

#4 Hytale

Platform: PC, macOS

Release Date: 2021

Genre: Sandbox, role-playing, Massively Multiplayer

Minecraft is a massively popular video game title that’s suitable for an audience young and old. The creativity players could showcase within the world of Minecraft is incredible as players can replicate real-world locations to even fictional makeshift adventure titles. If you’ve played Minecraft for very long you might have dabbled into the various servers online that offer minigames or simply a world to freely create with other players. These minigames can range from simple hide-and-seek to a massive battle royale. However, one server grew so popular that it was transformed into a standalone video game.

Hypixel was a massive Minecraft server that featured a wide range of mingames and online multiplayer hangouts. This influx of popularity spewed into a standalone video game experience called Hytale which is slated to launch this year. As you can likely imagine Hypixel is a sandbox MMORPG title that offers the same kind of gameplay from the Minecraft server. There’s a load of popular minigames available but on top of that players can freely explore and quest in a world that resembles the classic Minecraft video game. Whether you’re after an adventure, casual minigames, or just want to get creative, Hytale will have something readily available.

#3 Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen

Platform: PC

Release Date: TBA 2021

Genre: Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game


Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen is an upcoming video game by developers Visionary Realms. The story revolves around several pantheon gods which have fallen in devotees causing them to be ripped from their planar realms and tossed into the world as living godkings. Seeking to reclaim their planar power, these godkings and their followers will stop at nothing to regain their divine position. Though players can go through some of the campaigns by themselves, progression within Pantheon really puts a focus on player interactions, friends, and lastly, trustworthy allies.

#2 Wild Terra 2: New Lands

Free Mmorpg Games For Pc

Platform: PC

Release Date: 29 Jan, 2021

Genre: Action Games, Indie, Massively Multiplayer, RPG

Wild Terra Online isn’t necessarily an old release. This title came out in 2017 as a sandbox RPG. Players were tossed into a medieval world with the the goal of simply trying to survive from the various predators and enemies that inhabit the land. Visually the game looked rather dated and the reviews of this game’s release were mixed with the gameplay quests not as thrilling as some would hope, while some attributes made the game appealing such as the crafting system and the freedom to do whatever you pleased in the game.

Now we have Wild Terra 2 which is essentially the developer’s way of making some upgrades. With new technologies and experience from their last release, this new title should have support for several years to come if players take up with the game. With that said, we do know that Wild Terra 2: New Land will have new areas to explore that weren’t featured in the first installment along with new bosses. Fortunately, we don’t have to wait very long before we can get a chance to play this game as it’s slated for a launch later this month.

#1 New World

Platform: PC

Release Date: Early 2021


Amazon doesn’t have a track record when it comes to games that are not mobile based but there is one title that has plenty of attention and that’s New World. In this game, players take the role of an explorer set in the 17th century where we find ourselves on the shores of new land. It’s here that we discover that the land contains a deep and rich magical source which has left other explorers fighting to claim the area for themselves.

You’ll need to battle against not only other explorers but the wide range of creatures that have made a home in this land long before your arrival. We know that the gameplay has been compared to the likes of Dark Souls which could turn some players away. However, if you’re up for a challenge then you might find New World a game well worth investing time into when it releases sometime this spring. Hopefully, this game does a bit better than Amazon’s previous release, Crucible.

Do all MMOs absolutely have to require a 1080 and an i7/i9? Of course not – not everyone has the same PC. With that in mind, MMOs for low-spec PCs are definitely not bad. Sure, it might not be as pretty as a Final Fantasy XIV or Black Desert Online, but does that make them bad? It sure doesn’t! It’s a question oft-asked, and in some corners of the internet, it would be met with scorn and derision. Well not here, my friends! Now, I do want to preface this with a note – I do not actively play all of the games on this list, but I’m familiar enough to point them out to our audience. I only have so many hours in the day, and as long as Final Fantasy XIV is a thing, it will probably be my MMO of choice. But there are plenty of fun and interesting MMOs aimed at a lower-spec PC so that more people can enjoy them. I’m just going to point my hand at a few of them that are worth a peek!

Star Wars: The Old Republic (2011, PC): Star Wars: The Old Republic is a game I come back to now and again, mostly because I’m a die-hard Star Wars fan. SWTOR is going strong to this day, and one of the best features about it, in my estimation, is that it’s aimed more at a solo experience. Sure it has PVP and dungeons, stuff like that, but the big draw is the story. In the SWTOR story, you are the Chosen One, the great hero for your faction, doing all of the great works and deeds to save the galaxy. Content releases at a regular rate, and it has stayed true to the Star Wars Old Republic mythos, which I appreciate. It’s not a pay-to-win game, but it is useful to subscribe, for the regular real-money currency drops, increased speed/exp, and more character slots. Star Wars: The Old Republic hasn’t added any new classes in recent memory, but there are plenty of races to pick from (if you’re a subscriber/purchase them in the store), and each class has a pair of advanced classes to work towards. Fortunately, whether you’re Republic or Imperial, the classes more or less mirror each other. The stories vary wildly though, so pick the side you want the most.

  • Minimum Requirements: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 4K or Better, Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz or Better, 2GB Ram, Win XP or higher, and a Graphics card with 256 MB of onboard RAM (ATI Radeon X1800, NVidia Geforce 7800 or better).

Elsword Online (2007, PC): Not only do I enjoy Elsword, but it’s also very topical right now. A huge change is coming to this side-scrolling platform/action MMO – All of the characters and their job paths are going to be reworked. Everyone. Of course, they’re not all going to happen at once, but you can read the news post right here to learn more. Elsword Online is a side-scroller MMO, so you also have fun platforming on top of the huge numbers every class can drop. This one can also be played with a controller, which frankly feels better to me (but you’re better off with a keyboard/mouse if I’m honest). There are presently 12 characters that are playable, each of which has plenty of Job Paths to go through as you level and tackle new content. Elsword’s another game that very updates frequently, and often has leveling events/free items in-game, so it’s less necessary to spend real money unless you want to. It has an incredible anime feel, the action is fast and furious, and it does also have PVP if that’s your thing. I’m not as crazy about PVP in Elsword, but that’s mostly because I’m very bad at it. But the game is bright, colorful, but has some pretty dark story elements to go with that. It’s cute, it’s easy to get into, and most of the classes do some pretty insane damage.

  • Minimum Requirements: Intel/AMD 2GHz Processor, Nvidia GeForce 8600 GT Graphics card or better, 12GB Hard Drive Space.

Runescape (2001, PC, Mobile Phone):Runescape is still wildly popular to this day! It frequently breaks top 25 or better on Twitch as far as I’ve seen, and even as recent as this month they released an incredible new content drop, with The Land Out of Time. Now on a personal level, when Runescape was really getting big, I was still playing MUDs (UOSSMUD in particular), but I have plenty of friends that do and did play Runescape. You aren’t restricted to classes in Runescape, and they practically drop patch notes every week it seems, or damn near close. They keep a close eye on what their audience wants, and there is also Old-School Runescape if you want it to be as true to the initial launch as possible. Runescape is a game that has sincerely come a long way since it originally launched, and even can be played on mobile phones, and swap immediately back to PC if that’s what you want to do. The only way it could be more accessible, is if it found its way onto consoles, which would be a fascinating experience, I’m sure. Runescape does not hold your hand, but virtually any PC on the planet could run it, I’m willing to bet.

  • Minimum Requirements: 1.5 GHz Processor, Nvidia Geforce 4/ATI Radeon 9800 or Above, 256 MB RAM.

Wakfu (2014, PC): Wakfu is easily the newest game on this list but is still fairly easy to run, plus it’s an adorable game and is very easy to run. Ankama has a hit on their hands with this MMO. It’s certainly offering some new/unique features, especially in their turn-based tactical combat. There aren’t any mashing tons of rotations mindlessly in Wakfu, it’s all about strategy and tactics – which I love, by the by. Wakfu also has 18 original classes, each with their own unique playstyles. Yeah, I know I’m using unique a lot here, but honestly, Wakfu is. It’s a game I haven’t put much time into, but it is one that I am going to spend time with. One of the really fascinating things about Wakfu is their ecosystem, where players can wipe out an entire species. There’s a lot to see and do, and players have control over the mob’s population, and I love that concept.

  • Minimum Requirements: Pentium IV 2.8 GHz or equivalent, Geforce 4TI or equivalent, 1GB RAM, 1500 MB Hard Drive Space.

Neverwinter Online (2013): Neverwinter is a bit of give-and-take for me. I don’t really have the time to invest in Neverwinter, but it’s probably the best D&D MMO on the market right now. I’m personally not vested much into DDO. Neverwinter’s come a long way since its launch, like several other games on this list, recently adding one of the biggest, most terrifying dungeons in all of Dungeons & Dragons, with the Undermountain Update. The next update, Uprising will also add new race, the Gith, which are a group of awesome psionic warriors (one of my all-time favorite races, if I’m honest). Now, I enjoy the aesthetic and the gameplay of Neverwinter quite a lot. Most of the stuff that frustrated me about the game has improved over the years, but it’s still a pretty nightmarish thing to gear up in the end-game. The actual leveling experience isn’t so bad. That might simply come down to me not having the time to put in to gear up, but it just feels incredibly slow. But if you’re looking for an online D&D experience that looks and feels fun/authentic, this is your best bet, in my estimation.

  • Minimum Requirements: Core 2 DUO 1.8GHz (or equivalent AMD) Processor, Nvidia 6600/Radeon X1300/Intel G965 Express, 2GB Ram, 23 GB available Hard Drive Space.